Hallo alle zusammen,
ich schreibe derzeit eine Bewerbung für die FES in Indien. Dabei geht es um das Programm: "Soziale und ökonomische Transformation"; dabei geht es im Besonderen um Fragen des Usprungs und der Entwicklung gesellschaftlicher Prozesse, daher welche Faktoren führen dazu, dass bestimmte Konzepte behindert oder begünstigt werden.
Ich wäre auch sehr dankbar, wenn ich mir Feedback geben könntet. Insgesamt soll das Motivationsschreiben eine Seite umfassen. Nachweise über die erwähnten Themenfelder weise ich gesondert im Lebenslauf nach (ebenso durch Arbeitszeugnisse): Ich kann soweit sagen, dass ich alle erwähnten Felder und Fächer tatsächlich im Haupt oder Nebenfach studiert habe, sodass es sich nicht um heiße Luft handelt.
Liebe Grüße
Dear Mr X,
with a background in humanities and social science disciplines, I would like to apply for an internship at your institution. I have a strong interest in how our ideas and imaginations order and shape the world around us. During my studies, I was able to familiarize myself with a variety of different topics; here I developed a particular interest in the construction and awareness of the foreigner/other, the impact of language and media and especially the consequences of neoliberal politics in our everyday lives as well as in a globalized world. Hereby is it important to me to create a broad picture by considering many point of views as possible and to include research interdisciplinary approaches from different fields as History, Politics, Sociology, but also simple philosophical considerations for example: do we have the same ideas of progress, justice or modernization, when we talk about it?
In addition, I have gained experiences in different work areas. These jobs have increased my confidence in communicating with colleagues, customers and strangers, and have also helped me cope with stressful moments and negotiations when working both individually as well as in a team environment. Furthermore, I am well acquainted with administrative details and have at my disposal various skills involving computer and office software.
The choice of India is based on my desire to better understand this country. Since my youth, I have a great interest, although my ideas were given this way more romantic-naive nature. Through my subsequent confrontation with the modern history and contemporary thinkers and activists such as Arundhati Roy, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, Rabindranath Tagore or Vandana Shiva I could make me a better picture of the social and economic circumstances that I would like to deepen in the course of the internship.
The Friedrich Ebert Foundation offers a suitable platform to deal critically with these contemporary issues, but at the same time it reflects my values ​​and ideas of a just society. I am convinced that my broad knowledge, curiosity and motivation will be enriching for the work of the institution. In reverse, I believe that the internship will contribute to my existing skills and give me an insight into the application of theory and practice work in an exciting environment.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
FES Indien Motivationsschreiben in Englisch Muster OK?
Re: FES Indien Motivationsschreiben in Englisch Muster OK?
Ich habe einfach mal ein paar Anmerkungen auch zum Englischen gemacht, da kann ich aber auch falsch liegen, war teilweise rein gefühlsmäßig, weil mir Dinge zu Deutsch klangen. Also wenn du dir sicher bist, dass du richtig liegst, ignorier die sprachlichen Hinweise einfach.
Was verbirgt sich hinter variety of different topics? Das ist zu schwammig.
my desire of a better understanding
In diesem Abschnitt steckt im Übrigen dein Kernargument. Das sollte prominenter dargestellter sein.
Hast du dich vertraut gemacht oder konntest du nur?Zork hat geschrieben:During my studies, I was able to familiarize myself with a variety of different topics;
Was verbirgt sich hinter variety of different topics? Das ist zu schwammig.
Hereby is it important to me to create a broad picture by considering AS many point of views as possible
and have also helped me TO cope with stressful moments and negotiations when working both individually as well as in a team environment.
The choice of India wäre doch die Wahl Indiens und nicht deine Entscheidung nach Indien zu gehen.The choice of India is based on my desire to better understand this country.
my desire of a better understanding
Ich konnte mir ein Bild machen? Das scheint mir eine deutsche Phrase zu sein. Englisch wohl eher I could imagine.Since my youth, I have a great interest, although my ideas were given this way more romantic-naive nature. Through my subsequent confrontation with the modern history and contemporary thinkers and activists such as Arundhati Roy, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, Rabindranath Tagore or Vandana Shiva I could make me a better picture of the social and economic circumstances that I would like to deepen in the course of the internship.
In diesem Abschnitt steckt im Übrigen dein Kernargument. Das sollte prominenter dargestellter sein.