Englischer Lebenslauf für die Schweiz

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Beiträge: 36
Registriert: 19.09.2007, 09:15

Englischer Lebenslauf für die Schweiz

Beitrag von Bewa »


ich will mich in der Schweiz bei dem NRC (Forschungszentrum von Nestle) bewerben. Ich weiß nun, dass dort ein englischer Lebenslauf verlangt wird.

Ich denke an meinem Versuch kann sicher noch etwas verbessert werden, bin also sehr froh über jeden Verbesserungsvorschlag. In meinem Word-Dokument ist das Layout auf jedenfall anders.

Curriculum Vitae


University Education:

09/2003 – 02/2007
Universität Hamburg, Department Chemie

PhD at the institute of biochemistry

Title of the Dissertation:
The influence of N-glycosylation on the protein-protein-interaction of rTas1r-Family of the sweet taste receptor
Einfluss der N-Glykosylierung auf die Protein-Proteinwechselwirkungen der rTas1r-Familie der Süßgeschmacksrezeptoren (in German)

The experimental work was done at the university Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf in the Institute for Cell Biochemistry and Clinical Neurobiology and the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II: Molecular Cell Biology in the group of Prof. Dr. H. Schmale.
My PhD studies were financed by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft by the Graduiertenkolleg 336 (Molecular endocrinology – Molecular metabolism).
The task of my work has two aims: 1. studying the influence of the N-glycosylation and the C-terminal domain of the dimerization, the transport and the function of the sweet taste receptors and 2. identifying some new intracellular interaction partners of the C-terminal domain from Tas1R-family.

Summary of skills:
Strong background of biochemistry and molecular biology
Excellent knowledge of proteinchemistry, molecular biology and cell culture methods
Good knowledge of working with yeast by using the Yeast-two Hybrid system
Good communication skills
Good presentation skills
Good working with other people

10/1997 – 05/2003
Technische Universität Carolo Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig

Diploma in chemistry,
major: Technische Biochemie

Title of the diploma work:
Studies for the identification of specific gene expression of the NKX2.3 mice
Untersuchungen zur Identifikation spezifischer Genex¬pressionen in NKX2.3 Mausmutanten (in German)

With this work I have taken a look of the expression of different signal molecules which are influenced by the knock out of the NKX2.3 gen. The transcription factor NKX2.3 is expressed in mice from embryonic stages until the postnatal development with different expression regions and strength. The knock out of the NKX2.3 gene in mice leads to a gut and spleen phenotype and homozygous mutants die after birth. The expression of the signal molecules I examined by different methods (RT-PCR, PCR, in situ-Hybridization).


08/1995 – 06/1997
Berufsfachschule für chemisch-technische Assistenz der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
Two-year traineeship, accompanied by vocational school
Degree: Lab technician (chemisch-technische Assistentin)

08/1985 – 06/1995
Lauenburgische Gelehrtenschule Ratzeburg
Abitur (university entrance exam) major: Biologie, Erdkunde, Mathematik, Kunst

Working experience:
Several temporary workings (08/1999 - 09/1999, 02/1998 –04/1998, 07/1997 – 09/1997) in the production line of the company Euroimmun AG (Groß Grönau). I have been working at the production of test systems for the diagnostic of autoimmune- and infection diseases.

Computer skills:
MS-Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) excellent
Windows 98-2000, Windows XP excellent Adobe Photoshop, GraphPadPrism excellent Gene Construction Kit, Vector NTI, DNAstar excellent

Language Skills:
German mother tongue
English fluent
French basic

Selected Publications

03/2007 The rat GPRC6A: Cloning and characterization.

Petrine Wellendorph, Nicole Burhenne, Bolette Christiansen, Bettina Walter, Hartwig Schmale and Hans Bräuner-Osborne
Gene. 2007 Jul 15; 396(2):257-67. Epub 2007 Mar 24

Poster presentation at symposia and meetings

Sweet taste receptors and their intracellular interacting proteins I
N. Burhenne, A. Henkel, JK Hennigs, I. Kempel, B. Walter and H. Schmale
Symposium des Schwerpunktes Stoffwechsel des Uni¬versi¬tätsklinikums Hamburg-Eppendorf

Sweet taste receptors and their intracellular interacting proteins II
N. Burhenne, A. Henkel, JK Hennigs, I. Kempel, B. Walter and H. Schmale
24th. international Blankenese-Conference, Hamburg-Blankenese

The influence of sweet taste receptor glycosylation on intracellular transport and ligand binding
B. Walter, M. Winnig, H. Christiansen and H. Schmale
25th. international Blankenese-Conference, Hamburg-Blankenese

Vielen Dank für jeden Hinweis
