ich habe vor ein Praxissemester in den USA zu machen und habe jetzt einen Cover letter erstellt. Mich würde mal interessieren was Ihr davon haltet?
Ich bin mir nicht bei allen Formulierungen bzw. Wörtern sicher von daher wäre es super wenn der eine oder andere mich verbessern kann? Manchmal verliert man auch einfach den Überblick über mögliche Fehler

Dear sir or madam,
As a young and inquisitive infrastructure management student, I am always in ambition for new challenges. The good reputation within the building industry and the extensive business structure, but as well the perspective of an interesting and diversified workplace, sets the ***Unternehmen*** on top of my selection list for my Internship.
Currently I am in the third semester and in the next one I have to do a compulsory semester. During my study progress I acquired a solidly basic knowledge in the fields of building material science, project management and business management, whichever I now want to use in practice. Personally, I am extremely adaptive and greedy for knowledge and I always want to complete my work responsible to fully satisfy the people around me.
While I was administrating a team sport for years I have become really self-confident and STOP to a communicative leader. Even in difficult situations I am always considered to keep cool, analyze the setting and make the right decisions. My excellent ability to work in a team has given me a pretty good reputation in my team and at the club I play for. Furthermore, I also learned that achievements can be reached much more easily with an excellent working team and a good atmosphere. My intern at the *** GmbH proved that more than only once. According to the constructor I have managed to coordinate every single involved person without having any trouble. I even improved the workflow of some transactions and my ideas helped decreasing the amount of work and material usage.
For me personally, this internship is an important step for my future life. As soon as I finish my studies, I want to emigrate to the USA and of course I want to gain as much experience as possible in advance. I am sure the ***Unternehmen*** and I will both benefit from that internship and as soon as I get a positive reply, I will apply for the necessary J1 visa. If you have any further questions feel free to contact me at anytime.
I look forward hearing from you
Yours faithfully
Vielen Dank schon mal an alle die mir weiterhelfen.