Au-Pair Bewerbungsbrief an die Gastfamilie in Englisch.

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Au-Pair Bewerbungsbrief an die Gastfamilie in Englisch.

Beitrag von LostinReverie »

Hi ;)
Ich würde mich gerne als Au-Pair in Finnland bewerben und muss dafür einen zwei Seitigen Brief schreiben, auf Englisch.
Es wäre super lieb, wenn jemand der sich ganz gut auskennt mal einen Blick darauf werfen könnte und mir ein paar Tipps gibt oder die Grammatik verbessert :)

Hyvää päivää,

I am Lena from Germany and I would like to go to Finland as an Au-Pair. I hope that this letter will give you enough information about me, to decide if I am the right person for you.

First I would like to introduce myself and tell something about my life.
I am 18 years old (been born at the 27th may in 1994) and attend the 12th grade of a german grammar school and will leave it next summer, probably with the permission to apply at an university. I live in the very beautiful town Cuxhaven in the north of Germany, together with my parents and my younger brother Jonas (16). I have a very good connection to my brother, as we were children we were inseparable. My mother is working as a nurse and my father is a commercial clerk of a taxi company.

I decided to go to a foreign country after 13 years of school, because I would like to have a change in my life for a while, after a long time of studying. By going for one year to another country as an Au-Pair, I see my chance to make some live experiences, before starting to study at an university.

I chose Finland, because I always was in favor of the Nordic countries and especially for Finland, also because some ancestors of me are from there.
I informed myself very much about the country and I have to say that I love it, as a child I always pleased my parents to go with me to there for holydays. Unfortunately I never got the chance to go there.
I am trying to learn the Finnish language with a grammar and vocabulary book and an audio CD, and I will improve my language knowledge.
I speak German fluently, English well, Italian middle and Finnish a bit. My hobbies are reading books, acting and languages.
A very important part in my life are my friends, we are doing many things together in our free time, like visiting the cinema and concerts or relaxing.

After I told you something about my life, I would like to talk about my references and personality.
I don’t have siblings far younger than me, but I take care for some neighbors or colleagues children of my mother, mostly in the late evening, when their parents want to visit a club or the cinema. The youngest child is a half year old and it is always much fun for me playing with the children and taking care of them.
Earlier I wanted to get a kindergartener and made some practical experiences in a kindergarten. It was a really nice time, although it was a hard work. I enjoyed it and learned much about children between 3 and 6 years. But I changed my decision to work in a Kindergarten, because in Germany you almost don’t earn anything there, and that wouldn’t be a job for life.
I also worked in an old age home for a while, as a practical experience. So doesn’t matter what were my future plans, it were always something social.
Currently I have the plan to study evangelical theology, because my fate always leads my through my life. But of course I don’t have problems with people that have another religion or no religion. I am a very open and tolerant person and think that everyone needs to go their own way.

With 16 I started with a training for taking care of a big group of children between 5 and 17. The training needed a half year long, and we met once a month for a whole weekend to make seminars about “First aid at children”, “hygiene”, “Calming fights or upset children”, “upbringing” and many more usefully things.
The training was offered from the child protective services and we made some journeys with big groups of children, after the training was finished.
Leading those groups was a huge fun and always exciting for us all, although it was sometimes a little bit chaotic with 50 children.
So as you can see, I really love children, what was another important point for my decision to work as an Au-Pair.

My friends and family are describing me as a polite, spontaneous, sensible, sensitive and dedicated person.
By talking about my good features, I would like to tell you some of my bad features, like everyone else have. I always have too high requirements at myself and sometimes I am too sensitive.

I am a vegetarian since six years, because I don’t like to think about these poor animals suffering, that’s why I don’t eat them anymore. But I am the only one in my family that thinks like that, so I am used to live in a family that eats meat and don’t have a problem with that. I also cook my brother his steak, so I really don’t care if you eat meat, as long I don’t need to do it.
My parents have to work long, and in vacation time I always cook for my brother and me, so I would be able to cook for your family. I also can do other housework, like the laundry or hovering. I need to do housework at my home too. I also have a full driving license.

I have to admit that it was a very difficult exercise for me to write a two pages long letter about myself, I really hope you got an imagine of me.
It would be totally amazing for me, if you would give me the chance to make this experience. I know it will be hard work, but I am ready to give my best.
I am living in a town, a village or a city would be a nice place to go, so I am open for both. I enjoy the city life, but I also love the Finnish nature.

I am thanking you for reading my letter and I am looking forward to hear from you soon.

Naja ich bin hier halt sehr unsicher, wie der Brief klingt :)
Ich würde mich freuen wenn jemand antworten würde :D
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Registriert: 01.07.2011, 16:10

Beitrag von Rhodus »

Hello LostinReverie,

I would say, very well done.

Best greetings from Duisburg
Beiträge: 61
Registriert: 28.02.2008, 23:19

Beitrag von Elli007 »

Hey, also alles in allem ganz gut. Du solltest nur ausführlicher werden, wenn es darum geht, was genau du mit den Kindern machst.
Schreib ruhig, dass du bei Sonnenschein auf den Spielplatz gehst, oder mit ihnen Fahrrad fährst.
Bei Regen bastelt ihr, oder macht Story-Time, oder du hast sogar einen genialen Plan, wie du die Kinder spielerisch dazu bringst, Wäsche zu machen ;) So was interessiert die Gasteltern. Insgesamt ist der Teil über dich ein bisschen zu lang im Verhältnis dazu, was du über deine Erfahrung mit Kindern schreibst. Man muss an dem Punkt merken, dass du gerne mit Kindern zu tun hast. Bau das noch aus, und gut ist :)

Den Teil, wo du über die schlechten Bedingungen von Kindergärtnern in Deutschland sprichst, streichst du ganz. So wie ich das verstehe, hast du da ein Praktikum gemacht? Dann schreib, wie toll das war, obwohl es harte Arbeit war, aber dass dich diese Arbeit zufrieden gemacht hat.

"Fate" bedeutet Schicksal, du meinst aber deinen Glauben, dass ist dann "Faith". Viel mehr möchte ich an deinem Englisch auch nicht verbessern, schließlich zeigt das den möglichen Familien, wie du kommunizieren kannst. (Aber keine Angst, es sind wirklich nur Kleinigkeiten zu finden!)

Viel Erfolg wünsche ich dir!